I wanted to talk about these two images that Ricardo has created because they spoke out to me the most.
The first image with the heart is somewhat geometric as well as textural. The way he filled in the heart reminds me of make-up blush you put on your cheeks. This blush effect is powdery which creates the texture. I also like the drop shadow effect of the heart. The text on the bottom part of the image "tan vacio" translated in English means so empty. The underlying meaning could be about heartbreak or lonliness. The clouds, shadows, contrast of black and white, and the glassy geometrical effects also add to the melancholy tone of the image. The other image is the complete opposite of the image I was just describing. "Amor" translated in English means love or to love. The lightning and bright rainbow colors reminds me of a tv commerical about skittles and how it's like tasting a rainbow. The clouds may look similar to the ones in the other image but are viewed in a happier light. Also the brightness and boldness of the word amor and the explosion of shapes in different colors gives the viewer a clear message of how Ricardo interperts the emotion of love.
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